For those wanting a simple wedding ceremony, here’s a perfect introduction

The perfect introduction for a simple wedding ceremony

I often have couples saying they just want a simple wedding ceremony. I’m OK with that — but the danger is that guests tend to feel a little “ripped off”. They may complain that the wedding was over before it began, or that they travelled a long way to witness… what?

So here’s a way you can welcome your guests, and let them know that it is your choice to have a simple wedding ceremony …

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Showing your support for equal marriage rights during the ceremony…

I support same sex marriage

If you’re pro equal marriage rights and offended by the Marriage Act, Here’s a fix…

On this issue of equal marriage rights, one question I’m hearing more and more frequently, is: “Do you HAVE to say marriage is between a man and woman during my wedding ceremony? It’s so offensive to our gay friends!”

And the sorry answer is that yes, in order for your marriage to be valid, I do need to state the definition of marriage prior to you exchanging vows. But there is something we can do about that… 

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A beautiful way to pronounce a couple’s marriage…

pronouncement of marriage

Pronouncement of Marriage …

It’s good to know that although I’ve conducted almost 200 wedding ceremonies, I am still  developing and incorporating “new material” into my work.

Like this new “Pronouncement of Marriage” that I crafted for Ivan and Lisa recently.


Continue reading A beautiful way to pronounce a couple’s marriage…

Unique, quirky and fun ways to get married in Margaret River

Ya know what? Sometimes all a couple wants is to do something crazy on the biggest day of their lives. They want more than an elopement — they want an experience.

A phenomenal experience that they’ll remember and smile about for the rest of their lives.

If this is you, I’ve put together a crazy collection of fun elopement ideas in the Margaret River region…

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Modern, cute and quirky wedding blessings

Tired of the same ol’ same ol’ wedding blessings?

Lyrics pack a punch when offered in the spoken word. Here are some modern, cute and quirky alternative wedding blessings – from songs! – to add some humour and light-heartedness to your ceremony 🙂 

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The pros & cons of an unplugged wedding, and other gadgety wedding trends

unplugged wedding sign

Pros of an unplugged wedding (or at least the ceremony!)

It was while waiting for a bride to arrive that I had one of those life-changing conversations with a Margaret River wedding photographer, Ros Blakeney

Continue reading The pros & cons of an unplugged wedding, and other gadgety wedding trends

Original wedding blessing: “Marriage is a Promise” by Anita Revel

wedding blessing for bride and groom who are friends


This wedding blessing is a beautiful tribute to friendship between a couple in love.

It is also a perfect blessing to be read by a mutual friend during the ceremony.

Continue reading Original wedding blessing: “Marriage is a Promise” by Anita Revel