Real-life wedding stories, by a Marriage Celebrant

celebrant anita revel conducts a wedding in Gracetown Anita the CelebrantA Marriage Celebrant’s job is joyous, humbling, uplifting, and… important. ~ Reflections on real-life weddings conducted by Anita the Celebrant.

A good Marriage Celebrant knows each couple’s story; their hopes, their values towards marriage, and perhaps some of their in-jokes to weave subtly into their ceremony.

She is the professional that ensure the marriage is valid, and the artisan that creates and delivers a magical ceremony — one that will be cherished for the rest of their lives. 

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Another 70 real-life wedding stories (2013-14 season)

couple13-cat-ben-300x200Last year I wrote my recollections of the first 100 wedding ceremonies I’d delivered. (Thanks for the lovely feedback, by the way!)

Now, another 70 weddings later, it is a joy to be able to share my real-life wedding stories from my 2013-2014 wedding season.

Continue reading Another 70 real-life wedding stories (2013-14 season)

Real-life wedding ceremony stories 2015-16 season

Married Margaret River Heartland
Photo credit: Aimee Claire

OK, OK… Having blogged my 1st 100 weddings, followed by another 70 wedding stories, followed by the wedding ceremony / elopements conducted in the 2014-15 wedding season, it appears I’ve started something.

When meeting with couples to plan their ceremony, they are starting to mention, “I wonder what you’re going to write about us?”

Yikes, have I unwittingly established expectations? Oh well… luckily, keeping a memoir of my wedding ceremonies is something I love doing.

And so, as I commence my 2015-16 wedding season, it is my pleasure to continue bringing you my “real-life wedding stories as remembered by the Celebrant”…

Continue reading Real-life wedding ceremony stories 2015-16 season