Wedding Tales of a Celebrant winter/spring 2022

It’s a bit of a shock to realise I’m into my 15th year of being a Celebrant. Goes to show, when you’re doing something you love, you don’t feel like you’re going to work. Once again, this season did not disappoint, and I experienced all new levels of loved-upness and unique ceremonies. Read on to ride these wedding tales with me 🙂

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Wedding season 2021-22, in Margaret River: a Celebrant’s wedding diaries cont

couple standing on porch of big love tiny chapel

Wedding diaries of a marriage celebrant in Margaret River….

Hooley dooley the ripple effect of Coco-19 is still wreaking havoc on the wedding industry, but there is a silver lining — our compassion, patience and flexibility muscles are fully activated. Stories of quick adaptability, and pivoting with a full heart, abound in my wedding diaries of 2021-22.

Continue reading Wedding season 2021-22, in Margaret River: a Celebrant’s wedding diaries cont

Wedding Season 2020-21: the diamonds that shone in a pandemic world

family friendly celebrant margaret river

2020-2021 — another year of weddings in Margaret River, as told first-hand by a Celebrant.

2020-21: This is the year I stepped back from full-time Celebrant duties. I moved to Perth to support my daughter through secondary school, and also took on full-time study myself.

The biggest thing to note about this season, is that all the postponed weddings from early 2020 were re-scheduled to late 2020 and early 2021. Fitting these in, alongside new bookings, made for one very busy season.

Continue reading Wedding Season 2020-21: the diamonds that shone in a pandemic world

Wedding Season 2019-20: the weirdest one ever? Maybe so, but also one of the best!

happy bride and groom with modern celebrant

Anita Revel, Modern Celebrant: Helping couples achieve their ceremony goals since 2008

2019-20: the year I married two Celebrants, did a Beltaine wedding, got soaking wet on a beach, witnessed one of the most spine-tingly-hair-raisingly-beautiful ritual ever, and so much more… 

Continue reading Wedding Season 2019-20: the weirdest one ever? Maybe so, but also one of the best!

Voted Best Female Celebrant in Western Australia

I’m so humbled and excited to find out that you, my beautiful brides and grooms, have voted me best female Celebrant in all of Western Australia!


I wish I could vote for YOU as best couples, because, wow, you really are awesome!

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