The dolphins were a lovely touch

Paula and David get married on the beach at Cosy Corner

Paula and David get married on the beach at Cosy Corner in front of dolphinsDear Anita,

Thanks again for a truly perfect day. Without you there, I suspect that things would not have been so perfect. The dolphins were a particularly lovely touch!

Thanks again so much… it was a perfect day with lovely memories!

Paula and David, Cosy Corner 

Would dolphins add to your day?

The coastline from Cape to Cape is not only home to pristine white beaches, dramatic cliffs and expansive ocean views, but also to dolphins, whales, stingrays, and countless other marine life.

Cosy Corner is one such beach that lies between Margaret River and Augusta, just off Caves Road.  It is situated in the Leeuwin Naturaliste National Park with Hamelin Bay, Karridale and Jewel Cave all nearby.

A further bonus, as it’s a 40 minute drive from Margaret River it does not get heavy traffic – so, as the name suggests, it is very cosy!

In fact, it’s so cosy I couldn’t even find it on Google Maps! The closest I could get to was nearby Hamelin Bay…

It’s a bit of a hike to get down to the beach but the stairs help! The advantage of taking such a hike is that the dunes tower behind you creating a dramatic backdrop to your wedding photos.

To get a permit to marry on this beach or in the National Park, contact the Department of Environment and Conservation.

With love,
Anita Revel CMC