Guess who is an authorised same sex marriage celebrant?

Anita Revel is Western Australia’s authorised Marriage Equality Celebrant (aka a Same Sex Marriage Celebrant)…

South West locals and visitors to my blog will be well aware of my support for marriage equality.

marriage equality celebrant western australiaSo it would come as no surprise then, when the ACT government created the Marriage Equality (Same Sex) Marriage Act 2013, I wasted no time getting registered as a Same Sex Marriage Celebrant.

Meet… MEC0062!

Continue reading Guess who is an authorised same sex marriage celebrant?

Civil law versus God’s law – in the end, it’s humans that “count”

For same-sex marriage: Whether you are pro- or anti- civil rights, we all have a voice and deserve to have our opinion tallied
Photo courtesy Augusta Margaret River Times

“Considering there have been no “civil” arguments opposing marriage equality presented so far, I am optimistic that it’s not a matter of “if” same-sex marriage will be legalised in Australia, but “when”!”

(My reply to the Augusta Margaret River Times on the issue of removing discriminatory phrasing from the Marriage Act.) 

Continue reading Civil law versus God’s law – in the end, it’s humans that “count”