We look forward to adding our love lock to your fence

marriage celebrant busselton

wedding at Old Broadwater Farm in BusseltonDear Anita,

Thank you so much for the part you played in our wedding. We are so incredibly grateful that you were able to conduct the ceremony for us.

You made us feel at ease and helped us to truly capture what our relationship means to one another.

We look forward to coming down to the Margaret River Heartland and adding our love lock to your fence.

All our love,
Brendon and Elisha

~ Married at Old Broadwater Farm, Busselton, by Anita Revel

What is a love lock?

a couple adds their love lock to a fence in margaret riverA love lock is a symbol used during wedding ceremonies.

As explained in this article, the story goes that once a couple close a padlock together, just as the lock cannot be unlocked, nor can their love and commitment to one another.

The Margaret River Heartland love lock fence was started in August 2012 and a dozen love locks quickly appeared.

There are no restrictions on who can add a lock (ie, you don’t need to be a client), and you can add any type of lock you like.

However, as you will see by this offer, clients can choose this heart-shaped love lock for half-price… Normally $19.95, clients can order as many as they like for just $9.95 (+ $4.95 postage).

Note, the love lock supplied by Margaret River Heartland do not come with keys. Once they are locked, they are locked for good! They are double-heart shaped and brass – designed to last!