Songs and music are essential tools to get athletes into a “winner” mindset. Music helps block out internal noise; distract the listener from self-doubt and negative thoughts; and reprogram the mind with positive, upbeat stuff.
How appropriate for you as a bride, too, to have theme songs to get you into a happy and positive mindset about your pending nuptials. Here are just five suggestions to get you thinking… (and singing!)
Johnny Weir, an American figure skater, includes Edith Piaf’s “Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien” (Regrets I Have None) in his Top 10 favourite songs to listen to before competing – there is something poetically beautiful about sweeping away the past, the pains and the pleasures, and “… starting on new bases … because my life, my happiness, today everything begins with you.”
Got a bossy wedding planner pushing you around? Here’s your theme song to give you courage… “You Gotta Be bad, you gotta be bold, You gotta be wiser, you gotta be hard, You gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger, You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, You gotta stay together…” and once you’ve kicked some butt, well, “All I know, all I know, love will save the day.”
“‘Cause you are beautiful … beautiful in every single way.” Every bride needs a personal uplifter for times when she is doubting herself, or having fears her dress won’t fit, or perhaps because of a pre-marital tiff that has got her down. Christina’s song is exactly that – girl, you are Beautiful!
I haven’t met a bride yet who doesn’t want to tone up to look great in her wedding dress. Thanks to Rocky Balboa and his punishing-yet-rewarding training regimes, Eye of the Tiger is the ultimate song for helping you push through the pain of yet another set of sit-ups, push-ups and epic stair-climbs. You can do it sister!
In particular the track “Breathe” by Mulsanne… Every bride needs to take time out from the toil and noise surrounding her in the lead-up to the wedding. This is the perfect excuse to take five minutes and simply… BREATHE… (and sing, and tap your feet, and fall into the magic of the tune). The whole album, actually, is worth a listen for when five minutes just isn’t enough.