Wedding Tales of a Celebrant winter/spring 2022

It’s a bit of a shock to realise I’m into my 15th year of being a Celebrant. Goes to show, when you’re doing something you love, you don’t feel like you’re going to work. Once again, this season did not disappoint, and I experienced all new levels of loved-upness and unique ceremonies. Read on to ride these wedding tales with me 🙂

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Wedding season 2021-22, in Margaret River: a Celebrant’s wedding diaries cont

couple standing on porch of big love tiny chapel

Wedding diaries of a marriage celebrant in Margaret River….

Hooley dooley the ripple effect of Coco-19 is still wreaking havoc on the wedding industry, but there is a silver lining — our compassion, patience and flexibility muscles are fully activated. Stories of quick adaptability, and pivoting with a full heart, abound in my wedding diaries of 2021-22.

Continue reading Wedding season 2021-22, in Margaret River: a Celebrant’s wedding diaries cont

Wedding Season 2020-21: the diamonds that shone in a pandemic world

family friendly celebrant margaret river

2020-2021 — another year of weddings in Margaret River, as told first-hand by a Celebrant.

2020-21: This is the year I stepped back from full-time Celebrant duties. I moved to Perth to support my daughter through secondary school, and also took on full-time study myself.

The biggest thing to note about this season, is that all the postponed weddings from early 2020 were re-scheduled to late 2020 and early 2021. Fitting these in, alongside new bookings, made for one very busy season.

Continue reading Wedding Season 2020-21: the diamonds that shone in a pandemic world

Wedding Season 2019-20: the weirdest one ever? Maybe so, but also one of the best!

happy bride and groom with modern celebrant

Anita Revel, Modern Celebrant: Helping couples achieve their ceremony goals since 2008

2019-20: the year I married two Celebrants, did a Beltaine wedding, got soaking wet on a beach, witnessed one of the most spine-tingly-hair-raisingly-beautiful ritual ever, and so much more… 

Continue reading Wedding Season 2019-20: the weirdest one ever? Maybe so, but also one of the best!

Helping couples achieve their ceremony goals since 2008 (Wedding Season 2018-19: a Celebrant’s memoirs)

wedding cars margaret river

Anita Revel, Celebrant: Helping couples achieve their ceremony goals since 2008

Did you know I’ve been helping couples achieve their ceremony goals since 2008? And that I’ve keeping a diary of all my weddings? Given that my 10-year anniversary snuck up on me in September 2018, that’s a lot of diary entries! Here is the next chapter in my Celebrant Memoirs — that of my 2018-19 season which kicked off with four weddings on August 4…

Continue reading Helping couples achieve their ceremony goals since 2008 (Wedding Season 2018-19: a Celebrant’s memoirs)

Wedding Season 2017-18: Let’s Break Some Traditional Wedding Rules!

elope in Margaret River Celebrant Anita RevelNormally I can rely on a three month lull during winter to head overseas and enjoy some sunshine… Not this year! Wedding season launched with a spectacular winter wedding, and has just kept rolling along.

It appears traditional wedding rules are gearing up to be broken by couples prepared to think outside the box. Yay!

I do love every single wedding I do, and so that I’ll remember (and cherish) them all forever, I write down my impressions and recollections of ceremonies I’ve conducted. Here are my stories from my 2017-18 season…

Continue reading Wedding Season 2017-18: Let’s Break Some Traditional Wedding Rules!

wedding season 2016-17

celebrant margaret river anita revelWedding season normally starts off with a trickle in September and ending in May. This season, however, I came home from my three months off, and hit the ground running with four weddings and a funeral — literally — in my first week home. So it appears no season is ever the same, (which is a good thing — it keeps things interesting!)

So as is my custom, here are my impressions and recollections of ceremonies I’ve conducted.

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