Wedding Events in the Margaret River region

Celebrant Margaret River Anita Revel LOVES weddings! So much so, I have created new and amazing ways you can get married in the Margaret River region….

Check the events calendar for the complete list of events, or keep reading to find out about the type of wedding events I can organise.

Upcoming / Scheduled* Events

* If your preferred date is not scheduled already, feel free to get in touch with your own date, and we will build an Experience around you!

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Types of wedding events & experiences…

new way to elope margaret river perth

Quickie Wedding Days

Quickie Wedding Days are for those couples who want to marry fuss-free — no drama, no politics, no expense!

It’s like getting married at the Registry Office, only, more personalised, and in a natural and relaxed setting.

Check the events calendar for the next scheduled Quickie Wedding Day in the Margaret River region.

marry in a plane in margaret river

Mile-High Weddings

With a mile high wedding, you can say “I do” in your private plane while flying over the spectacular Margaret River wine region of Western Australia.

Marriage Celebrant Anita Revel will lead you through your nuptials before landing at a 5-star winery for your first meal together as newlyweds.

Perth-Margaret River mile-high weddings depart Jandakot.

Full-Day Elopement Experience

The Full-Day Elopement Experience involves:

  • an epic car,
  • a private Chauffeur, and
  • a cruisey Celebrant

oh, and super-cool couples getting hitched during a 6-hour joy ride!

Tour, taste, and tie the knot
for a day you’ll remember forever.

just married couple walking through a private forest in margaret river

Multi-Day Destination Elopement Experience

This Destination Elopement Experience includes:

  • 2-nights eco-aligned accommodation
  • Forest ceremony
  • a cruisey Celebrant

You can also add some “bells & whistles” to create a complete package… Stay, play, love!

Bespoke Micro Weddings

celebrant is presenting a micro wedding ceremony next to a couple getting married

Bespoke micro weddings Margaret River — is like normal wedding, but way smaller, tailored to suit you, and without all the headaches. It’s like having a beautiful, magical and perfect ceremony, but all the organising is done for you!

How it works…

  1. You tell me your ceremony goals
  2. I arrange the venue, the ceremony, the photography and details, so…
  3. … all you have to do is look gorgeous and turn up!

Micro weddings make it super easy for couples to get the big wedding feel, without the big wedding price tag.

Other “Elope Margaret River” Wedding Packages:

  1. Registry Office style ceremony
  2. Budget-friendly elopement in the Cowaramup area (less than 6 guests, no travel)
  3. Elope in the Margaret River region (less than 6 guests, includes travel)
  4. Small Wedding Package (up to 20 guests, includes travel)

And there’s always the Full-Service wedding including travel, mic & amp, and all the bells and whistles.

I’m here to support you fulfil your ceremony goals, so if you can dream it, I can help you achieve it!

Lucky days to get married

I often get asked if it’s superstitious to marry on certain days. So, I did some research about lucky days to get married… I found so much conflicting folklore and theories that I thought I’d come up with my own interpretation of what kind of luck each day brings to a wedding.

Marry on Monday, marry for health,
Marry on Tuesday, marry for wealth.
Marry on Wednesday, a lifetime of luck.
Marry on Thursday, forever loyal,
Marry on Friday, feel like a royal.
Marry on Saturday, for respect and honour,
Marry on Sunday, love grows stronger.
(c) Anita Revel, Celebrant Margaret River

Pretty much, every day is a lucky day to get married! So go ahead, feel free to book your wedding — whether it’s an elopement, a bespoke micro wedding, or a full-scale extravaganza — and be confident that it’ll be awesome.

Shine on,
Anita Revel
Ph 0417 937 436

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